Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ayurvedic Principle for Healthy Living

Get up early in the morning around 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. to catch the energetic vata cycle.

Go to bed before 11 O Clock to catch the restful Kapha cycle.

Get a Proper Good Lunch between 11 and 2 at noon to catch the best digestive Pita period.

Eat at proper time, proper place and proper quantity.

Exercise For proper digestion, metabolism, and circulation of the doshas and dhatus, exercise in moderation is a must.

Non Suppressible Urges:
Never suppress natural urges like Urine, Yawning, Hunger, Thirst, tears, sleep, faecal, Semen, flatus, vomiting, belching, sneezing over exertion, breathing.

Suppressible Urges:Always suppress all Vices relating to mind, speech and physical action. Rashness and evil deeds - mentally, orally, physically. Greed, Grief, Fear, Anger, Vanity, Shamelessness, jealousy, too much of attachment and malice. Speaking harsh words, back biting, lying etc. Violence to others, Adultery, Theft and Persecution.

To Remain Healthy Say "NO" To Indigestion and "BYE' To Constipation.

Sleep: For proper recharging of the system, the body requires about 5 to 8 hours sleep preferably between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m

Brahmachariya: Regulated physical and sexual activity, i.e. No excess abuse or misuse of the senses. Over indulgence in these are condemned as these lead to shorter life span, more susceptible to diseases, and debility.

2) Healthy Food Habits

Timely meals, proper food with right combination of fruits and vegetables are a must. Indigestion and constipation are major reasons for various problems but can be easily rectified. Avoid junk food

3) Time Management.
Stress at the young age should be unheard of. Proper time management can certainly set right most of the problems. The rest that a brain needs can be a change like change of subject, activity etc., Never induce the child to intense stress by arranging classes from morning to evening though they may be different in nature. They should have sufficient time to play and relax.

4) Mental and Physical Exercises
Meditation is one of the best means to enhance memory and ability. There should be a proper balance between mental and physical activity. There should be some free time for the child to play without any worry.This leaves them fresh and sharp for the next activity.

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