Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Chakra Theory

The chakra system can been viewed as a "seven-leveled philosophical model of the universe." The seven chakras (Sanskrit for wheels or disks) are wheels of bioenergetic activity radiating from nerve ganglia (clusters) that start at the base of the spine and continue on to the crown of the head.

Although the energy of the chakras can be monitored, they have no mass or substance of their own. Each individual chakra does, however, have a general location. These locations are as follows:

o Chakra one (earth): Base of spine. Associated with survival.

o Chakra two (water): Lower abdomen. Associated with emotions and sexuality.

o Chakra three (fire): Solar plexus. Associated with power and will.

o Chakra four (air): Just over the sternum. Associated with love and balance.

o Chakra five (sound): Throat. Associated with communication and creativity.

o Chakra six (light): Center of forehead, brow. Associated with intuition and imagination.

o Chakra seven (thought): Top of head. Associated with knowledge and understanding.

Each of the chakras also denotes one of the eastern elements (shown in parentheses), adding three intangibles to the "standard" four western elements.

Liberation & Manifestation

"Liberation is the path of transcendence. Manifestation is the

path of immanence. Both lead to the same place: the divine"

-Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind

As you can see, the lower chakras are more dense and material, while the higher chakras are more "free" and conceptual. It is an eastern belief that this is because they are closer to their source. Beyond the crown is Shiva, the male principal, believed to symbolize pure consciousness and bliss. Beyond the root is Shakti, the female principal, the mother of the universe and creation itself (herself?). By coming together in union, Shiva can descend upon Shakti and bring Divine Consciousness into the universe while Shakti brings form to pure consciousness.

This can be seen in mundane life as well. Ideas (7) become visualized (6) and then shared with others verbally or written down (5). The love of the idea (4) brings one to invest their will and energy into its creation (3). The passion/need (2) to finish this act of creation urges one to provide it form (1) and thus finish the process. We will call this transfer of ideas into form the manifesting current. Consequently, the transfer of form into ideas can be thought of as the liberating current. These two forces are constantly running through the body and connecting the chakras.

The Seven Rights

Each of the seven chakras has a basic right that, if infringed upon or not claimed/expressed, can provide problems in that chakra and thus, in life.

1. The right to be here: simply to exist, take care of ourselves, and have possessions.
2. The right to feel: to express and understand one’s emotions, needs, and wants.
3. The right to act: to be innovative and free.
4. The right to love and be loved: freedom from projected or received prejudice, low self-esteem, and violent conflict. Being the central chakra, if any of the other rights is harmed, the right to love may be harmed as well.
5. The right to speak and hear truth: Transgressions include: not be listened to, family secrets, and not being spoken to honestly.
6. The right to see: Transgressions include: being told our perception is inaccurate, having things deliberately hidden from us, and having the scope of ones vision denied.
7. The right to know: the right to truth, accurate information, knowledge, and to simply know what’s going on. This includes spiritual knowledge and the right to connect with and interpret the divine as one chooses.

The Demons/Tricksters of the Chakras

These are not fire spawned, brimstone baring, angst driven biblical demons. They are symbolic and conceptual, as is most of what you have already read. I prefer to call them tricksters because although they do hinder the operations of the chakras, they generally do so to teach us something. The challenge of moving past a trickster helps the chakra in question learn how to better accomplish its "job."

1. Fear: Comes when one’s survival is threatened. May force energy into the upper chakras.
2. Guilt: Keeps us from reaching out, hindering emotional and sexual ties with others.
3. Shame: Hinders spontaneity, self-esteem, and personal power, turning one’s will and power in upon themselves.
4. Grief: Hinders the love and lightness of the heart, leaving a heavy burden on one’s persona.
5. Lies: Misinformation hinders our relationship to the world.
6. Illusion: Looking at things incorrectly, not seeing the big picture, and seeing only what one wants to see, can hinder our perception.
7. Attachment: Holding on to the pointless and focusing all of one’s attention in one area can obscure the big picture and hinder our relationship with the divine.

[source: Kenaz Services/Four Feathers Bookstore P.O. Box 1703 , Laurens, SC 29360]

Peace, Love & Brown Rice
Mind Of Peace

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